Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introductions and the Pursuit of Happiness...

Hello Friends..

What shall I reveal... to define me to you? I have always said a Diamond of many facets... lol.. So, shall I begin?... Positive, friendly and energetic, Photographer, Writer, Poet, Scrapbook Extroidinaire!! Lover of life and water, travel, good people, fine wine, good humor, history AND the pursuit of happiness :)

But WAIT!! There's MORE!!! I am ALSO, a 43 year old, energetic & loving, mother of 6 AMAZING & Beautiful Children.. (3 handsome & smart boys - 24, 16 & 7 AND 3 beautiful & intelligent girls - 23, 14 & 11). They are the absolute joy of my life along with my handsome, prince charming husband (HPCH)!

BUT WaIt!! There's STILL more.. don't leave yet!! :) LOL I have traveled all over the UNITED STATES, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Sweden, since being struck (blessed) with the traveling bug from my most wise, humble, and amazing best friend.. my dear father.. God rest his soul.. On my adventurous travels I have met, dined with, had amazing conversations with, enjoyed wine, company and merriment with, some of thee most amazing characters God has ever put on this green/blue/brown earth!! :) I have photographed the most amazing sunsets and landscapes.. captured such emotion and happiness and shared life stories with the young and the old..

I am thankful for every minute of every day!! Each day is a blessing.. because it can always be our last... So, I try to take the time to smile, laugh, love, care, create, help, teach, learn and give as much humanly possible.. My family has been very blessed to have my mother, beautiful 81 1/2 year old Mom still kicking it with us.. sharing, laughing and expanding her horizons with each day. Thank you OPRAH!! :) I have been told I am an "Old Soul"... Feeling comfortable with the very old.. the very young.. and everyone in between.. no matter the race, religion or otherwise..

Did I mention I am very proud of the 6 children that have blessed our lives?? Each one unique and intense in their own ways! My eldest son and daughter have blessed me with 4 grandchildren - within the last 7 years: (My son with a boy and a girl and my daughter with a boy and a girl - ages of the girls: 3 1/2 yrs & 7 yrs, 2 boys - 4 yrs & 1 1/2 months!) Yes, I was raised an only child.. but been blessed with a hockey team!! :) Which just happens to be my favorite sport! Yes, I am an Anaheim Ducks fan :)

Okay.. that's it for now.. I have said my peace.. now it is your turn!!
Send me a hello and let me know what you think about...