Monday, November 29, 2010

Someone else's Trash is my Treasure..

It was 11pm, the day after Thanksgiving on BLACK FRIDAY. I was quickly driving over to my older daugther's apartment to pick up some medication (my 16 yr old daughter had forgotten on a previous nights sleepover).  We always use the back alley because there is never any parking out front.  I was minding my own business, and Low and behold, under the phosphorescent street lights and a small leafed tree, there it was.. lying on it's back, all 6'7 in by 3 1/2 foot wide an oak, white & glass entertainment/bookshelf.  Someone had broken one of the glass cupboards & thrown it away.  It was gorgeous! All I saw was POTENTIAL, lots of 12x12 cubbie holes (a total of 16 in all!) and how wonderful my black, white and teal baskets full of goodies would nicely fit in them!! :)  But, how to get it home?? Hmmmm... I fought the good fight, and despite my 16 yr old daughters commentary of: "You have NO ROOM in your scrapbook room for that! Where are you going to put it? There is NO ROOM in our car! Don't bother!" So, with a hug and a smile I asked my son-in-law to lift it on top of my car, and "Xmas Tree Style" we tied it to my car!  What a find! So happy that I brought it home! I couldn't WAIT to clean it, find a place for it in my "scrapbook room - in process", and semi-organize it (stuff it) with my baskets!!

Here is what it looks like.. still working on it, but definitely a PIECE of TREASURE WORTH the trouble!!